Removal calculator based on the list of removal goods

Calculation quick and easy with tablet or smartphone

Call up the removal calculator via the website and go from room to room and enter the removal goods accordingly. The result of the moving calculator is a very good basis for a non-binding free quote.

Montage / Demontage
Verpacken und Entpacken
Zerbrechliche Gegenstände
Alle Gegenstände
Keine Leistung
Umzugskartons liefern
Genehmigung beantragen
Absperrung durch Auftragnehmer
Absperrung durch Auftraggeber
Absperrung nicht notwendig

Removal calculator only in German so far!

We are working on the translation of the relocation calculator and hope to be able to present it to you in 2023.  Removal calculator based on the list of removal goods
If you notice any additional optimisations or improvements, please let us know.


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